For food inquiry this week we made a DLO which stands for digital learning object. Mine is about natural sweeteners vs artificial sweeteners. As you can see I have put in a picture of what natural sweeteners include. I have also put in a couple of facts about natural and artificial sweeteners The line in the middle shows the 2 different sides, the left side shows artificial sweeteners and the right shows the natural sweeteners. Have you learnt anything new from my DLO?


On Monday for literacy I did a debate about whether the school lunches should continue or not. I was on the affirmative team along with Jessica and Maia, on the negative team there was Anika, Zita, and Eliza. The negative team also had an air horn and when they first used it, it was when I was talking, and it scared me and the rest of my group. Something I think that I did well was my research of facts and statistics. Something I think that I could do better next time is to speak louder and more confidently.

This is what I had to say:

With eating the school lunches the mental wellbeing of New Zealand children improves immensely over time. Eating the lunches gives them nutrition and energy to get through the day which makes them have better concentration, behaviour, engagement and learning outcomes. It also reduces food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health. In the 2023 budget, Labour committed $323.4m to fund the programme until the end of December 2024, so they shouldn’t be thinking about stopping this program because they have spent a various amount of money on this program for it to continue for another 8 months, and if they stop now then that’s 8 months of New Zealand children not getting proper nutritious lunches. The lunches help reduce about 5% of their monthly grocery bill and increases financial security and help change not only their children’s food choices but their whole families choices to a healthier diet. At the moment it is providing free healthy lunches to more than 220,000 students across New Zealand schools which is about a quarter of all students and we need to make it a whole.


Today for cybersmart we learnt how to take partial and whole screen screenshots. To do a partial screen screenshot it is Ctrl+shift+see windows. To do a whole screen screenshot it is just Ctrl+see windows. This is my collage about me that I made by taking screenshots. 

Duke surfing

On Monday me and a group of students from my class went to Sumner for duke surf lessons. First the people that were teaching us did a safety briefing, then they told us where to lie on the surfboard and how to stand up without falling off. The waves looked very small from the beach but they were actually really big once we got into the water. Overall it was a very fun experience and I would definitely recommend you go there.

Persuasive Writing

The past week in literacy we have been learning about persuasive writing. We chose a topic then we wrote a 1st draft 2nd draft and 3rd draft. Since my first draft I have made it into paragraphs, written more, and made it more persuasive. I have learnt what rhetorical questions are and what emotive language is. My next step is to use emotive language in my persuasive writing.  This is my 3rd draft.


Do you play a sport? If you don’t, I think that you should. Here’s why.

 It’s really fun, and you exercise while you’re playing so you get much more fit. If you are fit you can do many more things in life and maybe even become a professional sport’s player. Playing a sport also strengthens your bones and muscles. 

If you play a sport you most likely play it outside, and being outside is good for you. You get fresh air in your lungs and being outside is also good for your mental health. And who wants to be like a fat, floppy, fish and sit on their couch all day?

When you play a sport you grow your teamwork skills and you need to use teamwork for many jobs in life. You can also play sports with your friends, and personally, I play sports better when I’m with my friends.

In conclusion you should play a sport because you will get much more fit, you get to be outside which is good for your mental health, you use skills like teamwork, and you can play with your friends. So whether you’re a male or a female you need to get out there and play a sport!

Persuasive Writing

We are learning about persuasive writing. in this paragraph i used facts and rhetorical questions


Do you play a sport? If not, I think that you should, Here’s why. It’s really fun, you get to play with your friends and you exercise while you’re playing. I get that not all people are sporty or like being outside because it’s too cold or too hot or whatever and they like just playing on their phones or doing something else inside but going on devices aren’t even good for you so get out there and play a sport!

Camp Goal Setting

On Tuesday my class is walking/biking to Spencer park ( I chose to bike) to camp for 1 night then the next day we are going to do an activity, I chose adrenaline forest. We also have to put our own tent up to sleep in and cook our own dinner, i’m going to cook hot dogs with my friend Stella. My goals for camp are to use resilience by trying level 3 at adrenaline forest, show integrity by not talking and staying up all night so we have energy for the next day, put my tent up and cook dinner successfully and show empathy by helping other people put  their tents up if they are struggling.